【Overseas Races】With the yen depreciating, you'll regret not running! Plan a marathon in Japan!

The yen is depreciating. Should you buy? Yes, buy yen! The yen has dropped to its lowest level in over thirty years. As a professional runner, you must take advantage of these years when the yen is at a historic low and plan at least one marathon in Japan. Seize this opportunity to tick off an overseas marathon from your list, starting with a marathon in Japan! Not only is this a great chance to complete your overseas marathon list, but it also allows you to immerse yourself in Japanese culture through running and experience the unique atmosphere of volunteer support. Discover why Japan is beloved by runners and professional athletes worldwide. How enchanting is the Japanese marathon? Which Japanese marathon should you choose?

The cost of participating in running events is getting higher, and the costs of domestic races are also increasing. However, with the yen continuing to depreciate recently, wouldn't it be a shame not to plan a few marathons in Japan? There are over a hundred marathon events held annually across Japan, including famous ones like the Tokyo Marathon, Osaka Marathon, and Kyoto Marathon, as well as many local and smaller-scale marathons that international runners also love. What makes Japanese marathons so attractive that runners from around the world keep coming back?

Marathon, Japan

This article recommends three Japanese marathons worth running in the second half of this year. Explore the unique features of these marathons and their natural and cultural heritage sites. We will also introduce the "Japan Running Station," beloved by runners worldwide. Use this article to plan your personalized Japanese race tour while the yen is depreciated, making it very cost-effective!

The Yen Depreciation is a Big Advantage for Taiwanese Runners!

Seize the Moment, Exchange Yen for a Running Trip

With the yen depreciating, the value of the New Taiwan Dollar (NTD) increases, allowing you to buy more Japanese goods with the same amount of NTD. Recently, the yen has depreciated to almost one-fifth of its previous value. The last time the yen was this low was around 30 years ago during the Japanese economic bubble in 1990. The Bank of Japan might consider intervening at this point.

Trend Chart, Japan

The historical exchange rate from JPY to TWD has been 0.2271 on average in 2022, 0.2220 on average in 2023, and 0.2113 on average in 2024. According to the historical exchange rate data from the Bank of Taiwan, as of April 30, 2024, the cash exchange rate for JPY is:

• Buying rate: 0.1982
• Selling rate: 0.211

This means 1 JPY can be exchanged for 0.211 NTD, and 1 NTD can be exchanged for 4.739 JPY.
As a runner, if you want to take this opportunity to run a few marathons in Japan, it is worth paying attention to the exchange rate trends between TWD and JPY. Choosing an opportune time to exchange currency can save money on your Japanese marathons. Regardless of future exchange rate movements, it is still very favorable compared to the past few years, especially for costs related to airfare, accommodation, and transportation. Exchanging TWD for JPY provides substantial purchasing power.

If you are unsure about the best exchange timing, you can open a foreign currency account and exchange in batches periodically to hedge risks. Additionally, preparing multiple payment methods can diversify risks and save on running expenses, potentially allowing you to participate in more marathons within Japan.

Book Future Japanese Marathons with Today's Yen

When thinking about which country loves running the most in Asia, Japan certainly comes to mind. As one of the countries with the most established running culture, Japan's marathons have various attractions that draw running enthusiasts from all over. What are the unique features and charms of Japanese marathons?

#01 Part of the Six Major Marathons

The Tokyo Marathon is one of the World Marathon Majors, joining the ranks of the Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago, and New York Marathons. As the only Major in Asia, it is particularly convenient for Taiwanese runners, allowing them to check off a major goal without having to travel across multiple continents. The Tokyo Marathon's high-level organization, competitive field, and cultural allure make it a dream race for many runners.

#02 High-Quality Event Organization and Volunteer Teams

Japanese marathons are known for their excellent organization, with meticulous planning from registration to post-race recovery. Japan's volunteer culture is internationally renowned, with highly organized and cohesive teams ensuring smooth operations for large-scale events, providing a delightful experience for all participants.

#03 Environmental Friendliness and Runner Safety with Artisanal Spirit

Japanese marathons are famous for their "quick recovery teams," which reflect a strong environmental consciousness. Measures like waste sorting, reducing plastic use, and promoting eco-friendly practices are standard. Participants appreciate the clean and safe racing environment, created by the teams' diligent efforts.

Illustration, Japan

**Race News: Since 2022, the Tokyo Marathon has launched the Green Mileage program, donating 100 yen to environmental protection activities for every mile (about 1.6 kilometers) run.

green mileage, Japan

#04 Enthusiastic Support Teams Integrating Local Culture

"Cheer for the runners!" Japanese marathons often receive strong support from local residents and communities, with spectators lining the course to cheer on participants. They display local cultural characteristics, creating a lively and inspiring atmosphere. Even if the cheers are in a language you don't understand, they still provide a strong motivational push and add to the race's cultural richness.

Drums, Japan
( Image source: Kanazawa Marathon official website )

Are you feeling eager to sign up for a Japanese marathon after reading this? Before you go, make sure to prepare your gear. There are various running belts on the market that can hold your phone or earphones. The author recommends the Bone Run Tie Belt, made from eco-friendly silicone with stitched milk silk fabric. It fits snugly around the waist without bouncing, is breathable, and easy to wash, leaving no sweat odor. It's a reliable assistant for your runs. Wear the Bone Run Tie Belt and experience a Japanese marathon!

Bone, running, belt, bib
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